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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Fill Custom Object Details

Custom Objects are custom STIX objects that provide additional context to any threat intel. Custom Objects characterize threat data components that are not described by STIX components. The application allows you to create custom objects that can be mapped with custom attributes and are used while creating custom intel packages in the application. Custom objects can be organization- or sector-specific. Some examples include Payment Card information, IMEI numbers, SIM Card numbers, and so on.

The custom object component contains the following:

  • Basic Details

  • Common Fields

  • Custom Attributes

  • External References

Basic Details

Field Name



Custom Object


Select the custom object



Specify the name of the custom object.



Specify the additional information about the custom object, such as the purpose and its key characteristics.

Common Fields

Field Name



Specify the tags for the custom object.


Specify the TLP of the custom object, such as RED, AMBER, GREEN, WHITE, and NONE.


Specify the confidence score for the custom object.

Custom Scores

This field allows for the assignment of scores to threat data objects based on factors that influence the lifecycle of indicators of compromise (IOCs), such as relevance, severity, and risk. Custom scores aid analysts in prioritizing their analysis, guiding actions, and facilitating the sharing of threat intelligence.

Created by References

Specify the entity that created the CTIX object.


Select this option to mark the component as revoked or invalid.

Custom Attributes

Field Name


Add Custom Attribute

Specify the additional information that helps in improving the threat intelligence details. CTIX displays custom attributes created in Administration > Custom Entities Management. You can create multiple custom attributes for the report.

External Reference

Field Name


Source Name

Enter a source name.


Enter a description.

External ID

Enter an external ID.


Enter the URL of the external reference.

Hash Type

Select the hash type.