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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

View Subscriber Reports

The subscriber reports include a polling summary, polling reports, and inboxing reports that provide an overview of the threat data sharing activity across subscribers.

Polling Summary

The polling summary provides a graphical representation of the polling activity of subscribers. This allows you to keep track of polling activity and identify any issues encountered by the subscribers while polling. You can view the following details of the polling subscribers:

  • <1 day: Displays the list of subscribers that last polled within 24 hours.

  • 1-2 days: Displays the list of subscribers that last polled between one and two days.

  • 3-7 days: Displays the list of subscribers that last polled between three and seven days.

  • >7 days: Displays the list of subscribers that last polled at least seven days ago.

  • Error Polling: Displays the list of subscribers that encountered errors while polling.

  • Never Polled: Displays the list of subscribers that have never polled.

You can click a subscriber from the summary to view the subscriber details.

Polling Reports

Polling reports provide an overview of the subscribers that polled data from the platform. The Polling Subscribers report displays the polling details of the subscribers based on the date range you have selected in the upper-right corner. In the polling report, you can view the details, such as the subscriber name, collection name, intel format, number of entities polled, last polled date, and the ID of the subscriber.

The Not Polling Subscribers report displays the list of subscribers that have not polled data based on the selected date range.

Inboxing Reports

Inboxing reports provide an overview of the subscribers that inboxed data into the platform. The Inboxing Subscribers report displays the inboxing details of the subscribers based on the date range you have selected in the upper-right corner. In the inboxing report, you can view the details, such as the subscriber name, collection name, intel format, number of entities inboxed, last inboxed date, and the ID of the subscriber.

The Not Inboxing Subscribers report displays the list of subscribers that have not inboxed data based on the selected date range.

Manage Subscriber Reports

 You can perform the following activities to manage subscriber reports:

  • Search report logs based on the subscriber name.

  • Filter reports based on the collection name, publish format (for polling subscribers), and date range.

  • Export the list of subscribers in CSV format, including name, custom, created Date, last active date, subscriber config, organization name, subscriber ID, username, and status.