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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Add a New Email Account

Add an email account to receive threat data intel in the form of emails. CTIX enables you to add multiple email accounts and you can switch among them to filter the kind of intel received in each email account. Multiple accounts allow you to use each account for a specific type of information.

Before you start

You must have an email account and an in app generated password to integrate an email account in Threat Mailbox.


To add an email account, do the following:

  1. From the Main Menu select Threat Mailbox under Collection.

  2. Click Add New Account on the top right side of the screen.

    If you already have configured accounts in your application, select from the account drop-down list on the top right side of the screen and click Add New Account.

  3. Enter a unique client name to identify the account for the emails received.

    This name appears in the account drop-down on the top right side of the screen.

  4. Select an account type from the drop-down.

    Specifying account types instructs the email configuration to access the email server with the selected protocol. The selected account type protocol should be configured for the email account from the domain as well. The port number automatically appears as you select the account type. For more information, see Configure Threat Mailbox in CTIX using OAuth authentication for EWS.

  5. To create a secure connection between the server and your mailbox, select SSL Encrypted.

    By default, this check box is selected.

  6. Enter the email address to integrate it into Threat Mailbox. All the emails that you receive on the entered email address appear in the Threat Mailbox. By default, it displays your CTIX email address.

  7. Enter the password for email authentication.

    You have to generate this password in the email account settings.

  8. Enter a domain for the email account.

  9. To parse IOCs only from the title and the description of an email, select Parse IOCs only from visible content.

    HTML tags in the email are not considered while parsing.

  10. Click Save and Continue.

    After you click Save and Continue, CTIX prompts you to configure the optional Advanced Settings. To configure these settings, refer to Step 3 of Configure Advanced Settings.