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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange


Connector Category: Enrichment Tool

About Integration

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) WHOIS service is an online identity, domain registration, and hosting service provider and provides information on various products and services. Intel Exchange integrates with IANA WHOIS to enrich domains and IP addresses with details such as registered name, location, and more.

Configure IANA WHOIS as an Enrichment Tool

Configure IANA WHOIS to enrich domains and IP addresses.

Before you Start 

You must have the view, update, and create enrichment tools permissions in Intel Exchange.


To configure IANA WHOIS as an enrichment tool in Intel Exchange, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to CTIX and go to Administration > Enrichment Management > Enrichment Tools.

  2. Search and select the IANA whois enrichment tool.

  3. Click Add Account.

  4. Enter a unique account name to identify the instance. For example, iana whois.

  5. Click Save.

After successfully adding an account, you can view and enable the domain and IP address feed enrichment types. You can also configure quota to define a limit to the number of enrichment requests Intel Exchange makes to IANA WHOIS. After the quota expires, you cannot make enrichment requests until the quota resets for the next quota duration. For more information, see Define Quota in Configure Enrichment Tools.

To understand the number of API calls and quota units consumed by the IANA WHOIS enrichment tool per polling, refer to the following table.

Enrichment Tool

Feed Enrichment Type

No. of API calls

Quota Consumed

IANA Whois

Retrieve Domain Detail



Retrieve IP Detail



You can configure an enrichment policy to automatically enrich threat data objects using the IANA WHOIS enrichment tool. For more information, see Configure Enrichment Policy.Configure Enrichment Policy