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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

View Details of a Technique

You can view the following details for a technique:

  • Alias: View the alias name of the technique. You can view the same in Threat Data which lists all the attack patterns with alias.

  • Basic Details: View the number of indicators, malware, and threat actors identified by CTIX for the selected technique. A MITRE technique in the Intel Exchange application includes information, such as detailed description, platform, data sources, software, last modified date, tactic, and defense bypass. You can also view the following information:

    • Procedures performed by an attacker before and after an attack. Procedural information is available for specific techniques only.

    • Methods to mitigate the technique from potential threats by understanding the pattern.

    • Methods to detect a pattern and control a potential breach in time.

  • Relations: View all relations found for a technique. You can view up to 500 relations per technique in the map view. 

  • Tasks: View and create tasks for the selected technique. For more information, see Add a Task for a Technique.

  • References: View the list of URLs related to the selected technique.

  • Notes: View and add notes for the selected technique. For more information, see Create a Note for ATT&CK Navigator Technique.

Before you Start

Ensure that you have View ATT&CK Navigator, Create ATT&CK Navigator, and Update ATT&CK Navigator permissions. 


To view the details of a technique, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Analysis > ATT&CK Navigator.

  2. Select a layer.

  3. Select a technique from the list of tactics to view the details. Click Open in Threat Data to view details in Threat Data.