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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Configure a Rotating Dashboard

Dashboards present a visual overview of the threat data. Use dashboards to monitor the configured widgets and understand the flow of threat data in an actionable and meaningful way.

A rotating dashboard automatically rotates all the widgets after a specified time period allowing you to monitor the widgets without using the cursor.

Before you Start

Ensure that you have View Dashboards, Create Dashboards, and View & Create Dashboards permissions to create a rotating dashboard.


To configure a rotating dashboard, do the following:

  1. Add a new rotating dashboard

  2. Add widgets to a dashboard

  3. Display rotating dashboard

Add a New Rotating Dashboard

To add a rotating dashboard, do the following:

  1. From Main Menu, select Dashboards under Monitor & Measure.

  2. Click Add Dashboard.

  3. Enter a dashboard title.

  4. Enter a description to identify the type of information to monitor.

  5. Select one of the following layouts to define the dashboard template:

    • Basic - Allows you to use the default dashboard template.

      A default template has three rows constituting of overview and information widgets.

      You can add a maximum of seven overview widgets and infinite medium and large information widgets.

    • Custom - Allows you to create a customized dashboard template.

      You can add a maximum of eight overview widgets.

      Use Add Widget to add medium and large information widgets.

    You cannot change the dashboard layout after saving it.

  6. Select Rotating Dashboard as the dashboard type.

    • Enter the rotation duration between the range of 30 - 1800 seconds. For example, 45.

  7. Click Save.

    The rotating dashboard is now saved and you can add widgets.

Add Widgets to a Dashboard

To add widgets to a dashboard, do the following:

  1. Click + to add overview widgets to the dashboard.

    For example, allowed indicators, deprecated indicators, domain objects, false positive indicators, high confidence indicators, low confidence indicators, and more.

    • To replace or delete a widget, click the ellipsis(...).

    • To add more widgets, click the arrow icon.

  2. Click + to add medium information widgets.

    For example, allowed indicators by type, confidence score vs TLP, confidence score distribution to SDOs received from sources, and more.

    • To change the layout of the widget, click the layout_icon_rotating_dashboard_ctix3_0.png icon.

      For example, stacked bar, treemap, bubble, stacked column vertical, and table.

    • To replace or delete a widget, click the ellipsis (...).

    • To add more widgets in the same row, click the arrow icon.

    • To add more rows of widgets, click + 1 Column, +2 Columns, or +3 Columns.

  3. Click + to add large information widgets.

    You can view only one large information widget in a row.

    • To change the layout of the widget, click the layout_icon_rotating_dashboard_ctix3_0.png icon.

      For example, stacked bar, treemap, bubble, stacked column vertical, and table.

    • To replace or delete a widget, click the ellipsis(...).

    • To add more widgets, click the arrow icon.

  4. Select one of the following to share the dashboard with CTIX users:

    • None - Allows you to keep the dashboard private to the creator.

    • Selected User(s) - Allows you to share the dashboard with specific users.

      Select the email addresses of the users to share the dashboard.

    • All User(s) - Allows you to share the dashboard with all users.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Save Dashboard.

Display Rotating Dashboard

You can see the rotation of widgets only in the full-screen mode.

To display a rotating dashboard, do the following:

  1. From Main Menu, select Dashboards.

  2. Select a dashboard.

    You can edit the duration after configuring the dashboard through the rotation duration field.

  3. Click full-screen on the top right corner of the page to view the rotating dashboard.

    You can use Pause and Play to terminate and start the rotation.