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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange


Connector Category: Enrichment Tool

About Integration

National Vulnerability Database (NVD) is the U.S. government repository of standards-based vulnerability management data represented using the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). This data enables automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and compliance. Intel Exchange integrates with NVD to retrieve vulnerabilities and references.

Configure NVD as an Enrichment Tool

Configure NVD to enrich vulnerabilities.

Before you Start 

  • Ensure you have the view, update, and create permissions for Enrichment Tools.

  • Ensure you have the base URL of your NVD account.


To configure NVD as an enrichment tool, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Intel Exchange, and go to Administration > Enrichment Management > Enrichment Tools.

  2. Search and select the NVD enrichment tool.

  3. Click Add Account. Enter the following details:

    • Account Name: Enter a unique account name to identify the instance. For example, NVD Enrichment.

    • Base URL: Enter the base URL of your NVD instance. The default base URL is

    • Verify SSL: Select Verify SSL to verify the SSL certificate and secure the connection between Intel Exchange and the NVD servers. By default, Verify SSL is selected.


      We recommend you enable Verify SSL. If you disable this option,  Intel Exchange may configure an instance for an expired SSL certificate. This may not establish the connection properly and Intel Exchange will not be able to notify you in case of a broken or improper connection.

  4. Click Save.

After adding an account successfully, you can view and enable the vulnerability enrichment type. Additionally, you can configure Quota to restrict the number of enrichment requests sent from Intel Exchange to NVD. After the quota expires, you cannot make enrichment requests until the quota resets for the next quota duration. For more information, see Define Quota in Configure Enrichment Tools.

To understand the number of API calls and quota units consumed by the NVD enrichment tool per polling, refer to the following table.

Enrichment Tool

Feed Enrichment Type

No. of API calls

Quota Consumed


Retrieve Vulnerabilities Detail



You can configure an enrichment policy to automatically enrich threat data objects using the NVD enrichment tool. For more information, see Configure Enrichment Policy.Configure Enrichment Policy