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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Verify Installation and Sign in to Intel Exchange

Verify if all the services installed on your server are running correctly.

  1. To verify the service replication status and retrieve the list of all services, run the following command:

    docker service ls
  2. To verify the service deployment status of a service, run the following command:

    docker service ps --no-trunc <service_name>


If you find any issue while verifying installation, refer to Log Files and Troubleshooting.

If you are using a proxy server, ensure that you configure Docker to use the proxy servers. For more information, see Configure Docker to Use Proxy Server.

Sign in to the Intel Exchange Application

After you install Intel Exchange and verify the installation, sign in to Intel Exchange for the first time to update the product license.

To sign in to Intel Exchange, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Intel Exchange domain that you have configured in the vars.yml file to open the Intel Exchange application. For example,


    You must append /ctix/ to the domain to access the Intel Exchange application.

  2. Sign in to Intel Exchange using the default username and password that you have configured in the vars.yml file.

After signing in to the application, change the default password when prompted and add the license key to activate Intel Exchange.