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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Manage Reports

Actively manage reports by creating, editing, scheduling, and customizing them per your requirements. 

You can perform the following actions to manage reports:

  • Search: Search for reports using the report title.

  • Filter: Filter reports based on various criteria such as name, type (standard or advanced), frequency (once, daily, weekly, or monthly), creator, modifier, created range, last run range, last modified range, and visibility (Global or private). 

  • Refresh: Fetch the current status of all reports on the listing page, ensuring you have the most up-to-date information.

  • Walkthrough: Provide a brief introduction about the Reports section in CTIX.

You can perform the following actions for a report:

  • Show Preview: View the basic details of the report, such as schedule details, and internal and external recipients of the report.

  • Run Now: Manually run the report to export data of the selected date range. You can choose the export file format and the required recipients to share the report. The platform notifies you after the report is generated and you can download it from History.

  • Edit: Modify the report details, such as schedule details, update report details (date range, queries, widgets), report availability (private or global), and more. Only the creator of the report can edit these details. 


    When you modify the start date or occurrences of the report, the platform resets the scheduling process and prompts the platform to begin again from the initial stage. The platform considers the following points to successfully modify the report:

    • The schedule reset is considered if the report is yet to complete all specified executions.

    • If all specified executions are complete, the scheduled reset is considered only if you update the start date to a future date.

  • History: View the historical run details of reports and download them. 

  • Delete: Delete the report from the platform. Only the creator can delete a report.


    Read-only users can delete their privately created reports.