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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Schedule Reports

Schedule reports to automatically generate and distribute reports to intended recipients. This ensures that the necessary reports are created and distributed without manual intervention, thus saving valuable time and effort. Only the creator of the report can schedule them.

Before you Start 

You must set up your email server to schedule reports. For more information, see Configure Email Server.


  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Monitor & Measure > Reports.

  2. Select an existing report or create a new report to schedule it.

    To create a new report, see Create Reports.

  3. Click Edit in the upper right corner.

  4. On the top right corner, click Schedule.

  5. Select a start date and time to publish the report.

  6. Under Repeat Interval, set a frequency to publish a report at the defined interval. You can choose from the following options:

    • Once: Generates a report once at the specified start date and time.

    • Hourly: Generates a report every specified number of hours.

    • Daily: Generates a report every day at the specified date and time. 

    • Weekly: Generates a report on the selected days of the week starting from the specified start date and time. 

    • Monthly: Generates a report on the selected day of the month. 

    For Hourly, specify the number of hours between 1 to 23 to repeat report generation. By default, the report is generated every hour.

    For Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, further define the end period of the respective report. You can choose from the following:

    • Never: Generates a report until you manually choose the end period.

    • End Date: Generates a report till the defined end date.

    • Occurrences: Generates a report till the defined occurrences. You can set the occurrences up to a maximum of 100. By default, the occurrences are set to 10.

  7. Select a time frame in days to export data in the report. You can choose to export data from the past 7, 15, or 30 days. You can also select Custom and enter the number of days or hours to retrieve the required data. You can enter a maximum of 365 days or 23 hours.

  8. For Standard Reports, select any one of the following for Applies On:

    • System Created Date to apply scheduling filters on the threat data objects ingested during the specified time frame.

    • System Modified Date to apply scheduling filters on the threat data objects modified during the specified time frame.

    For Advanced Reports, the platform considers the System Created Date to apply scheduling filters.

  9. Select a file format to generate the report:

    • Standard Report: Select either a CSV or XLS file format.

      If a report has 100,000 records, then the platform by default publishes a CSV file when emailing the report to the selected users.

    • Advanced Report: CTIX supports only PDF file format for advanced reports.


    Read-only users can share reports with themselves. For more information about read-only user permissions, see User Groups Permission Set.

  10. Select the email addresses of the users to share the published report:

    • In CTIX Users, select the email addresses of one or more active users in the CTIX application.

    • In Non-CTIX Users, enter the email addresses of the external users. 

  11. Click Schedule.

Based on the schedule, the platform generates and sends the report as an attachment to the intended recipients. If the report size is greater than or equal to 8 MB, the email contains a URL link instead of the attachment to download the report. This URL link is available for 24 hours from the time you receive the report. You can download the report only once from the URL link in the email. However, you can download it from the in-app notification or History available on the platform.


The subject of an email for a scheduled report that begins with "Blank Report" suggests that the report does not include any data.