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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Manage a Task from Threat Mailbox

After creating a task for the intel, you can manage it by tracking it, changing the status, and bringing it to closure.

You can view the tasks in three categories, such as Not Started, In Progress, and Complete.

To manage a task, do the following:

  1. From Main Menu, open Threat Mailbox under Collection.

  2. Select the feed for which you created the intel and the task.

  3. Click Create Intel and open Tasks.

  4. Select the task and click the ellipsis.

  5. Select from the following to manage a task:

    • To change the status to in progress, select Move to In Progress.

    • To close a task, select Mark as Complete, enter a closure comment, and click Save.

    • To edit details such as description, assignee, priority, or date and time of the task, select Edit.

    • To delete a task, select Delete.