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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

Configure Open API

Intel Exchange allows you to integrate with other applications using the REST API protocol. To integrate with other applications and access the features using an API, you must have the appropriate API credentials for secure information exchange. Open API enables you to generate and manage the API credentials to authorize information exchange. The API credentials are a combination of API URL, Access ID, and Secret Key.

Generate Open API Credentials

You can generate Open API credentials to integrate Intel Exchange in a third-party application for a defined period.

Before you Start

Ensure that you have Create and Update permission for CTIX Integrators.


To generate the open API credentials, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Integration Management.

  2. Click CTIX Integrators under Third Party Developers.

  3. Click Add New.

  4. Enter the following details:

    • Name: Enter a unique title within 50 characters for the Open API.

    • Description: Enter a description within 1000 characters.

    • Expiry Date: Select an expiry date for Open API keys. You can select Expires On and select the date. You can select Never Expire.

  5. Click Add New.

  6. Click Download to download the API credentials in CSV format. You can also click Copy to copy the Endpoint URL, Secret Key, or Access ID.


It is recommended to download the API credentials since you cannot recover the credentials later.

To make an API request to Intel Exchange, you must create a signature using the Access ID and Secret Key of the API credentials with an expiry time. For more information, see CTIX API Reference.

Manage Open APIs

On the Open API page, you can view all the open APIs that are created in Intel Exchange. You can perform the following functions on the Open API page by clicking on More Actions:

  • Search and filter: You can search and filter APIs based on status, created range, created by, expiry range, and last accessed date range.

  • View Logs: You can view the activity logs of the API.

  • Edit: You can edit the details of an API such as name, description, and expiry date. 

  • Delete: You can delete an API. 

  • Customize View:You can customize the API table to hide or unhide a column and reorder the columns.

Update Open API

You can update an open API to update the details or set the status to active or inactive the API. 

Before you Start

Ensure that you have Create and Update permissions for CTIX Integrators.


To update Open API credentials, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Administration > Integration Management.

  2. Click CTIX Integrators under Third Party Developers.

  3. Select the title of an API credential, click the three vertical ellipses, and click Edit.

  4. Update the name, description, or expiry date and click Save.

You will be notified when the credentials details are updated.