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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange


Allow online web meeting URLs for remote assistance. VPN can be provisioned for the implementation team for remote assistance.

Following are some of the basic Docker Swarm commands that are useful for troubleshooting issues during the deployment:

  • To view Docker service-wise stats on the current server, run the following command:

    docker stats
  • To restart the Docker service on the server, run the following command. This command restarts all services that run as Docker containers.

    sudo systemctl restart docker


    You must manually restart the services that do not run as Docker containers.

  • To update a service, run the following command:

    docker service update <service_name> --force
  • To go inside the containers, run the following command:

    docker exec -it $(docker ls -q- -f name=<service_name>) bash
  • To go inside a specific container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container_id> bash
  • To redeploy a stack, run the following command:

    docker stack deploy -c <compose-file-name><stack_name>
  • If all the existing servers are down, you can redeploy the new stack using the following commands:

    cd /apps/cyware/conf
    Docker stack deploy -c db-stack.yml db
    Docker stack deploy -c common stack.yml common
    Docker stack deploy -c ctix-stack.yml ctix