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Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange

My Profile

My Profile provides you with a holistic view of your personal information in the application. It enables you to view and manage profile details, such as profile picture, username, password, and user activity logs.

You can view the following basic details:

  • Profile Picture: Displays your profile picture. You can set your own or your organization's logo as the profile picture for a tailored experience.

  • User Name: Displays your full user name.

  • Email Address: Displays the email address of your user.

  • Joining Date: Displays the date and time when your user accepted the joining invite.

  • Last Active: Displays the date and time when your user last used the application.

  • Last Login IP: Displays the allowed login IP address of your user.

  • Last Location: Displays the name of the city and country where your user's IP address was observed.

  • Default Page Limit: Displays the number of records you can view on a single page. For example, 10, 25, 50, 100. You can update this as per your requirement.

  • Sign Out: Signs your user out of the CTIX application.

Manage Profile

You can update your profile details, such as username, first and last name, view activity logs, and update the sign-in password.

Update User Details
  1. On the top-right corner, click My Profile.

  2. Click on the pencil next to your username to edit your profile details.

  3. Update the following profile details:

    • First Name: Enter your first name.

    • Last Name: Enter your last name.

    • Username: Enter the unique username to identify your user. Your username must be unique, or else the application will throw an error.

  4. Click Update.

Every user is attached to a unique email address and you cannot update the email address after your user is created.

View Activity Logs

  1. On My Profile, click the ellipsis at the top-right corner.

  2. Click View Activity Logs to view logs of all the API calls made by your user in the application.

Update Sign-In Password

  1. On My Profile, click the ellipsis at the top-right corner.

  2. Click Change Password to update your current user password.

  3. Enter your current sign-in password.

  4. Enter the new password and re-enter it to confirm it. The new password must meet the following guidelines:

    • one upper alphabet

    • one lowercase alphabet

    • one numeric value

    • one special character

    • must have eight characters

    • must be different from your current password

    • must not contain your username or email address.

  5. Click Update Password.