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Automated Indicator Sharing with CTIX

Cyware's CTIX is part of the group of commercial providers recognized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for enabling access to its Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) threat intelligence feed.

Analysts can use CTIX to:

  • Ingest the AIS feed into the CTIX threat intelligence lifecycle,

  • Share threat intelligence from CTIX with the DHS.

The bidirectional threat intelligence sharing with the DHS enables private and public organizations to collaborate and helps them understand important aspects of the threat intel life cycle.

Use the following steps to configure bidirectional threat intel sharing with CTIX :

Before you Start

Ensure you meet the following preconditions before you start configuring an AIS source and submit intel:

  • You must have the Discovery Service URL and authentication details of the AIS source.

  • Your user group in CTIX must have permission to create STIX sources, view threat data, and submit detailed intel.

Configure an AIS STIX 2.1 Source in CTIX

Create an AIS STIX source in CTIX so that you can publish threat intel from CTIX to the AIS STIX source. To create a STIX source, see Configure STIX Sources.